Psychoanalysis Hub
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Feeling Lost?
Sometimes we don’t know what to do, where to go, and what to say. Psychoanalysis can help us find more directions in our life.
Feeling you don't belong?
If you feel you are not part of anything, the Psychoanalysis Hub can help you understand these feelings.
Psychoanalysis can help you achieve growth in many areas of your life.
What Is Psychoanalysis?
A method of study that investigates the human mind developed by Sigmund Freud. He treated his patients through the so-called ‘talking cure’. This cathartic technique can cure or significantly diminish emotional distress.
Who Is Psychoanalysis For?
It is indicated to anyone who wants to reflect on their personal issues and seek relief for their sufferings. Similarly, to achieve self-knowledge that promotes inner peace and emotional control, both positive and negative.
What is The Process Like?
At the Psychoanalysis Hub, you will have the chance to talk about yourself in a safe environment. By verbalising your troubles to a professional, you inevitably listen to yourself. Telling the story of our lives to a psychoanalyst leads to the alleviation of emotional pain and sufferings, and this process enables good mental health.
Will Psychoanalysis solve all my problems?
Once we start knowing ourselves, then we begin to be more aware of the things and situations that trigger our destructive behaviour and actions, therefore, many of our issues decrease.
How long do I need to stay in Psychoanalysis?
Its length varies from person to person, it could be a couple of sessions or years. Each individual is unique.
What if I pay for psychoanalysis and it doesn't work?
We cannot enter therapy expecting overnight changes which are normally gradual, but steady. Deep rooted issues take time to dissipate.
What is the point of psychoanalysis?
The aim is to help people to understand their feelings, emotions and thoughts to enhance their lives.
What does psychoanalysis focus on?
The focus is to offer a safe space where you will be able to express your troubles without being judged or criticised, and the Psychoanalysis Hub provides this safe space to express uncomfortable feelings.
First Psychoanalysts
Sigmund Freud
An Austrian neurologist born in 1856, the father of Psychoanalysis, an approach to treating mental disorders.
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Freud initially used hypnosis to treat his patients, however, he abandoned this technique, and began to investigate new theories that led to the origin of psychoanalysis.
He developed a new technique called “free association” where a patient talks about anything that comes to mind, thus, talking therapy began.
Freud also formulated other concepts such as the Unconscious, Transference, Psychosexual development, Oedipus complex, Dream analysis, Id, ego and superego.
Carl Jung
A Swiss psychiatrist born in 1875 founded the Analytical Psychology, a different method to deal with mental illness.
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Jung was very interested in the unconscious and contacted Freud.
Both men became very close friends. Freud wanted Jung to be his successor.
The friendship lasted between 1907-13, when disagreements started from both sides, and they eventually sided apart.
After the breakup, Jung founded the analytical psychology.
Additional ideas created by Jung are the collective unconscious, archetypes, symbols, shadow, persona, anima and animus.
Alfred Adler
An Austrian psychotherapist born in 1870, created the Individual Psychology, a psychological theory.
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One of the first members of the Wednesday Psychological Society, a group formed by Freud to discuss psychology and neuropathology that later became the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.
Alfred also split from Sigmund Freud for disagreeing that the cause of neurosis is the sexual repressed impulses that occur during the psychosexual stages.
Adler is known for the term “inferiority complex”.
Melanie Klein
An Austrian-British psychoanalyst born in 1882, she elaborated the theories of psychoanalysis for children.
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She was an Austrian-British psychoanalyst born in 1882, who was one of Freud’s followers and, eventually, elaborated her own theories of psychoanalysis for children, using play techniques to analyse them, rather than talking therapy.
Klein’s eldest daughter Melitta Schmideberg-Klein likewise pursued a career in psychoanalysis, but she drifted away and turned into an opponent of her mother.
Anna Freud
She was born in Vienna in 1895 and is best known for being the founder of the Child Psychoanalysis.
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Anna was the youngest daughter of Sigmund Freud and nursed him during his illness.
She was his successor and responsible for expanding the theory left by her father, and focused mostly on the ego and the defence mechanisms.
Anna Freud published a book called The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence.
In the field of psychoanalysis of children, Melanie Klein and Anna Freud disagreed with each other.
Karen Horney
Karen was a German-born American psychoanalyst. She worked with women’s psychology.
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Karen was interested in women’s psychology. She objected the Freudian theory, in which the differences in the psychology of men and women are biological, but in her view it’s social and cultural.
Horney rejected the Oedipus complex and penis envy concepts.
She suggested that, instead, there was a womb’s envy in the men’s psyche for not being able to get pregnant and procreate.
Wilhelm Reich
An Austrian psychoanalyst born in 1897 created the theory that the mind and body are a unified entity.
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Wilhelm Reich was a Marxist and anti-fascist. He was regarded as one of the most talented Freud’s students.
According to Reich, emotional and physical disorders always go alongside one another.
Wilhelm developed an analysis that involved the vegetotherapy, the orgone therapy, including body interventions (massage), which aimed to release repressed impulses and emotions as well as psychomatic issues.
A French psychoanalyst born in 1901 established his own psychoanalysis, the Lacanianism.
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Lacan proposed the “return to Freud”, but in the end created a new therapy, which explores the unconscious by offering fresh perspectives on the future rather than unearthing the past.
In the Lacanian psychoanalysis, the unconscious is structured as a language where the patient speaks uninhibitedly with fewer interventions and/or questioning allowing the unconscious to narrate traumatic events which helps to decrease emotional pain.

Why so many branches?
The father of Psychoanalysis is Sigmund Freud who was the first to listen to his patients at a time when approaches to mental health treatment varied widely and often reflected cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs about the nature of mental illness.
Freud’s followers eventually broke away and started their own ramifications of Psychoanalysis to include women and children, or to provide other explanations to the unconscious, as well as creating new theories.
The many branches of psychoanalysis are an evidence to its richness, evolution, and ability to adapt to changing context.
Regardless of the type of Psychoanalysis, each new approach had in mind to find new forms to help people to endure their life sufferings in a more attainable way.